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This time is no refundable, use it properly

     This time is no refundable, use it properly Once upon a time, the king asked some authors to state one sentence which make king happy and sad at a time. Many authors tried. Then comes the author with great learning and wisdom, he says that,' THIS TIME WILL ALSO PASS'. By hearing this king was impressed. You see a phone 📱which is cheaper than you updates after some intervals of time but you didn't update from these many problems and that is the difference between you and the rich mindset people. Read books to update your knowledge. My dear friend let me tell you, ' IF YOU WILL NOT UPDATE YOURSELF WITH RESPECT TO TIME THEN TIME WILL CHANGE YOU, AND THAT WILL BE MORE PAINFULL. Don't waste your time with the things which won't give you anything in return. If you are young then, with the passage of time generate good passive income it will give you good return in future. Do it with good intentions. Read this blog to know more about passive income If...

Is it the best time to invest in stocks 🤔🤔🤔

        Is it the best time ⏲️ to invest  in stocks???    Yes this is the best time to invest now in stocks. The stock market profit is based on compound interest and mostly compound interest is affected by Time. So , best time can be any. But if you want to start today you should. It is simple just read and go through the market's need and the company you choose,  read it's Financial statements . And then just invest . But investment need income also. Never try to invest by other's money it will be foolishness .  This Corona pandemic has turned many worst thing into the best 👌.  At this time if lockdown implies again invest your money because at that time shares  value will be lower than it's intrinsic value as most of the investor were in fear of losing their money 💰and will sell the stocks rapidly ,  therefore share will fall down and after sometime when lockdown opens investors will start again to invest and t...

Never make excuses

                        Never make excuses  Telling wrong cause of your failure can lead you to the failure only. Tell the correct cause of your failure can make you learn how to correct your mistakes. If you will lie to people, they will laugh at you and if you will say correct reason, they will think that mistakes are the signs that you are trying. That's all. If you spell one excuse you need to spell another 💯 excuse to prove. So, never make excuse. First step to achieve success is never make excuse. Life will become harsh for excuses that you spell.  Teachers will not make excuses because they feel like that the children will never succeed.  Making excuses is a great subsitute for hiding your failure. You should be answerable to your failure and to your success. In future when your son or daughter will ask you about your failure then frequently tell truth at least they will know how to not perfor...

The number one skill is never give up

                              THE NUMBER ONE SKILL IN LIFE IS                               NOT GIVING                                       UP.... Have you seen any child after some month from birth. We notice that the child tries to move and tries to stand on her feet. If child fails he or she tries again and again but never give up until the child is able to run 🏃‍♂️. This skill is necessary that never give up in your life.  There are mainly two types of mindset of people , one is fixed mindset and other is flexible mindset. Fixed mindset people never try again and accept the failure or never try again to achieve success but the another mindset people, who are flexible and never give up until they achieve success in life...

Maintain your character while treating people

          Maintain your character while treating                                        people                    Treating people in the same way they treat you doesn't make any significant difference between you and people but instead they ruin your character.  If you want to develop character the first is you can start treating people in the way that suits your character.  When you are on the righteous path of the success many people will treat you in their respective way but you need to decide what to do with them. They will stop ✋ you. The only thing which you can do is ignore them. The people who treat you negatively will always have poor mindset. Because that is the reason why they are treating you negatively.                      ...

Comparison is waste of time and energy

       Comparison is waste of time and energy  Comparison is agreed 👍 only when there is a competition of achieving something because at that time it is required . But without any competition there is no need of it. Sun and moon are never compared on the basis of their shinning ability. No one has right to do that. If you do it will lose your image , nothing else. Comparing your life is something that rich mindset people never do. Average mindset people will always compare their life with rich people. This is the reason why they are still Average in all aspect which also includes earning. So my dear friends stop compare and start developing  rich mindset from today because that will define you in your future.                                   🙏🙏🙏

5 Main Reason By Which You Can have Personal Development

          5 Main Reason By Which You Can have                         Personal Development ⟶ Stay Enthusiastic It literally means that always stay cheerful and have a smile on your face. You should develop the nature of taking responsibility and working happily. This can make you more enhance in getting opportunity. ⟶Be A Better Communicator If you are a Networker in any of the MLM company then this is required the most. It is helpful for spreading and Developing your Business. And you can be counted as the best if you know this skill. YOUTBE is the best platform for this skill. ⟶ Learn To Let Go  Just for small some of money you should not hurt anyone. So be kind. People will see you from Good eyes and will hope good for you. You will always be in the spotlight of everyone's mind. So this skill will always make you profit with respect. ⟶ Be Kind To Yourself We all are taught to be kind to oth...