Aims Of Education
There are different reason for taking Education . Out of which we will talk about 4 main reason ፦
# Earning Money
Person can earn money when he/she takes education for reconstructing his/her financial condition. Many people are below poverty line, so in order to come out of it the person choose to get proper education by his/her parents.
Taking education just for earning money is not the correct moto in individual's life. To build moral values should be the motive in any once life.
# Grabbing Respect From Society
A human being is a social animal. In India, if you are educated well and proper, you are consider to be a extraordinary personality in villages. Person can have a good position in his/her society.
Taking education just for taking respect is wrong motive. You need to utilize it for your work or passion.
# To Increase knowledge
This is the ultimate goal of every student studying in any of the school or collages. Every person want to have a good knowledge of anything, so that he/she can utilize it for any unavoidable situation in his/her life.
The simple practice to grab more knowledge is "Never let your student inside you die" Always let him awake and tuned.
# Acquiring Facility
Person take education for having the best home he like, the best car he want, the best life he want to make. This is the dream of every person who is taking education.
This can be aim for every child studying. This thing also define our social status. This should be your Aim, your family should get proper avail of it.
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