Be Better Than Yourself
Invest your time in making your Knowledge, Money, or your own life better every year. Always make some changes in you. You need to enhance your knowledge every year. For that purpose give your 2 to 3 hour in reading Motivational Books. That will make your life meaning full.
Don't think about 'How to make or invest more money', think about what you are doing with your life, Surrounding, Family, country. Are you doing something that is waste of your time, Energy and money? Then stop you have the moment from 1\1\2021.
Focus more on your virtues, moral values, Ethics, personality Development. Just Don't check your Debt and rate of interest. Check that your family is happy with you or not. That will be your first success in your life. Check whether your family member's health is fit or not. That will be your second success in your life. First be better in this qualifications. Then after think about Making money.
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